Holy. Shit. T-shirts?
Holy. Shit. T-shirts?
Thanks man!
The expressions are priceless!
Thank you :D
Damn that's sweet. Look at that tiny spare gas tank! That beast must be hella fuel effecient! I'll take five.
Gotta love that future fuel, man!
Its nice, but the pink lighting sort of look like rashes... on the breasts anyhow.
hmmm ok i see what you mean thanks :)
I love this so much! Everything is just.... where it should be.
But the feet seem like a cop-out. Only complaint, albeit, not much of one.
I usually don't do so much about the feet because they're so hard getting just right, with perspective, shoelaces, symmetry, and all -I usually do that sort of stuff in Photoshop when I color it, then I have more intuitive freedome to change perspective, size, skew, etc.
Thank you for your review, and I'm glad you like it:)
Damn nice job. She looks pretty friendly for an antihero.
You're right. I'll make sure to put in more attitude next time.
So awesome. I love it.
Thanks you
You really manage to squeeze every drop of awesome out of a monochromatic painting. This is really cool, plus I love your creatures.
Thank you very much! At some point I was a bit worried it might be TOO monochromatic, but it turned out very close to how I imagined it.
Joined on 11/25/08